Saturday, July 25, 2009

Setup a Virtual Network with Virtual Box 2.2.4

Setup a Virtual Network with earlier versions of Version of Virtual Box required a lot of steps to create a bridge, and to enable Layer 3 Compatibility for the adapters in the bridge. Since VirtualBox 2.1.4, the process has been made more simple.

1- Configure the Network Preferences of your Box

Set the Network Access Mode to Bridge Access. Then select of the adapter you would like your box being bridged to (generally it would be the adapter connected to the Internet).

2- Define your IP Configuration
In your box, independantly from the operating system you are using, define manually the IP address, sub-network mask, the default gateway as well as the DNS which is going to be your default gateway.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Setup Sun JVM and JDK in Ubuntu

This one is pretty simple, but I tend to forget the steps when I don't do it for a long time.
1- Use the Synaptic Package Manager to download the last JDK version for Ubuntu. Select sun-java6-jdk package.

The Synaptic application will prompt you for additional packages to download. Mark them, and click the Apply button to start the download. Confirm by clicking Apply in the Summary window.

The Synaptic Manager will start to download the package files.
2- Then, make sure that your environment use the Sun flavour of the JVM you have just setup.
Use the following command in terminal window to check the list of Java flavours in your system.

To have the Sun flavor as the current Java version, use the following command:
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun